- Vent Hood Filter Cleaning
- Grease Hood Filter
- Installation Hinge Kit
- Roof Anchor
- Duct and Fan Access Panel Installation
- Grease Hood Filter
- Conveyor Pizza Ovens
Exhaust systems must be inspected regularly, at intervals consistent with usage, to determine whether or not cleaning needed before a dangerous amount of grease has accumulated.
The complete Kitchen exhaust systems (top to bottom) are first scraped clean and then washed clean with food safe caustic chemicals and hot water pressure-washing where possible to safely collect dirty water by-product.
Exhaust systems must be inspected regularly, at intervals consistent with usage, to determine whether or not cleaning needed before a dangerous amount of grease has accumulated.
Exhaust systems must be inspected regularly, at intervals consistent with usage, to determine whether or not cleaning needed before a dangerous amount of grease has accumulated.
Exhaust systems must be inspected regularly, at intervals consistent with usage, to determine whether or not cleaning needed before a dangerous amount of grease has accumulated.
Exhaust systems must be inspected regularly, at intervals consistent with usage, to determine whether or not cleaning needed before a dangerous amount of grease has accumulated.
Exhaust systems must be inspected regularly, at intervals consistent with usage, to determine whether or not cleaning needed before a dangerous amount of grease has accumulated.